Annual Budget Meeting


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Event Type

The prepared budget for the next fiscal year is here for your review in advance of our meeting on Monday at 7:00PM

Prior to the membership vote on the budget, we will present and vote on the special resolution regarding establishing a volunteering deposit to cultivate wider volunteering from member families in order to offset amounts we would otherwise need to spend on the management and care of the community. Returning the community back to it’s intended cooperative roots would allow us to avoid having to increase the monthly housing charges in order to pay for the hiring of a professional Property Management firm. If members do not desire to expand our member volunteering base to manage and maintain the community, your board will pursue the selection of a Property Management firm.

The attached budget has been prepared to show both possibilities. One column shows the housing charges with just a nominal 1% annual increase which would apply in the event that the volunteer deposit program is accepted by membership. In this case a $45 monthly volunteering deposit will be added to housing charges and then returned in full to each member that has completed the minimum 24 hours in the fiscal year. In the event that a portion, but not all of the 24 hours are contributed by the member family, the deposit amount returned will be prorated to reflect the ratio of hours contributed.

The second housing charge column shows the amount required to accommodate the additional costs associated with the hiring of a Property Management firm.

Online Meeting Details

Please click the link below 5 to 10 minutes in advance to ensure your device is setup to launch the meeting and that we can admit you into the meeting itself.

Topic: PHMC Budget Meeting
Time: Nov 30, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Thank you,

Your Board
Pheasant Meadows Housing Cooperative